Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Straight Short Hair Tutorial

To get a smooth look without stiffness and not too perfect follow this tutorial:
1. Start with clean, towel dried, hair. One of the biggest mistakes our client's make is putting product on really wet hair, the product gets diluted and you end up using more (and we have no complaints on extending our wallet!).
2. Spritz Prep all over, followed by a nickel to quarter-sized dollop (depends on your hair texture and length) of Straight Blow Dry. Work it from tip to root. 
3. Using a paddle brush (you an use a round brush but it will create more of a perfect look instead of a undone feel.) pull sections down and away from the head with a slight bend so you get tension on the hair. Don't worry about perfection, you're going to mess it up afterwards, anyways. 

4. Once your hair is straight and dry, spritz your hair with Thickening Hairspray. Work it haphazardly into the root to add texture back in, and finger-combing an irregular side part. Throw in a couple of bobby pins behind the ears, a shot of Does it All Styling Spray and voilà!

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